Product Introduction 1

2020.05.15 Views2607

This is based on electronic coding and assisted by digital video recording. Under the guidance of data and video synthesis coding, it realizes identification and trajectory video recording of a large number of fast-moving target objects. It is a highlight of the "Internet of Things + "Concept of CCTV technology. This technology solves the problem of how to accurately locate and retrieve quickly in mass video recording, and makes the use of CCTV system more intelligent and convenient. Our patented technology has been invented since 2006 and has become one of the most important technical means for the visual tracking of the whole process of scanning, weighing and sorting the parcels in the global logistics industry, with thousands of logistics outlets in more than 20 countries and regions Hehe Airport is popularized and used to make the logistics IT system more transparent and smarter, and to make warehouse management more efficient and safer.